About a month and a half ago, the Lord revealed Himself to me in such a powerful way. A sat down with the Lord for 3 hours. This is something I had never done. I was saved many years ago, but it was January 18th, that the Lord got my attention. I felt His presence so strong. I was the only one at home at the time. When I 'finally' sat down with him, I wept. I was so ashamed at how I had treated my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Lord led me to so many scriptures. I went to Matthew 27:34 where the scriptures says Jesus was offered 'wine mingled with gall'. He spat it out and refused to drink it. You see, this drink would have eased His suffering. He wanted to feel the full punishment of my sin for ME. He went all the way for me and I hadn't even been going half way for Him. Each day I would pass Him by. I thought of how I would feel if my children would come in the house and walk past me, not even acknowledging that I was there. How that would break my heart. Well, that was just what I was doing to my Father. I realized that I couldn't pass Him by any longer. I fell back in love with Jesus. I never lost my salvation (I never can), but I had lost my passion for Christ. The Holy Spirit gently reminded me of the beatings, mocking and finally the crucifixion that Jesus went through for me. I realized just how much He loved me. Realizing that fact made my love for Him stronger than ever. He went all the way for me. He didn't have to, but He did. He led me to Isiah 53, Luke 23:34, Matthew 5:24, 1 John 1:5-10 and Matthew 7:3-5. The Lord opened my eyes that night. In the past, I've made a lot of empty promises that were unkept, but this time is different. I am enjoying such sweet fellowship with the Lord, like never before. I don't want to miss anything God has in store for me. Since then, I have been able to resolve situations in my life. I've been able to truly forgive others. The Lord is working in my life and in the lives of my family. I can't wait to see what He has in store. About a week later, I was going over some chords on my guitar (G,C,D). These words came to me. I titled the song, 'Passing Him By'. If you've been passing Him by, I pray that today, you too will fall back in love with Jesus!
He was beaten and bruised.
Relief for the pain, He refused.
He died to pay your debt.
He went all the way
up Calvary that day.
Why do you pass Him by?
The Holy Spirit spoke to me.
I realized where I was
and where God wanted me.
Oh how I'd let sin reign.
I cried to the Lord in shame.
I cried 'Oh Lord, forgive me!
For passing you by.'
Cause you were beaten and bruised.
Relief for the pain you refused.
You died to pay my debt.
You went all the way
Up Calvary that day.
I will not pass you by.
No more just going through the drill.
Cause what we have Lord, it's for real.
In my heart you do abide,
and I will not pass you by.