My oldest went to camp for the first time this year. She went to Teen Valley Ranch. It's a Christian Camp near Boone NC. She had a great time!
She did many fun things like the zip line, tubing and many other fun games. She and a friend each sang in the Talent Show.
But more important than that was the spiritual growth. She took classes on Quiet Time and Seeking God's Will For Your Life. It is awesome to see the Lord working in her life!
The scenery was beautiful. Her Dad and I and two other couples from church went up on Friday for the last night. They had their last service by the campfire. It's was really fun. I forgot how much fun it was to go to youth camp.
They really loved their counselor, Kristina.
The worship time was awesome as well! Many of the kids stood and testified of how the Lord had worked in his/her life that week.
This week was just another reminder of my girl growing up; leaving elementary school and going to her first camp.