I'm back. It's been very busy around here. Hope everyone had a terrific Easter weekend. We had a sunrise service and an 11:00 service. The services were a time to reflect on the sacrificial death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His triumphant resurrection. My 10 year-old daughter took notes during the 11:00 service. I wanted to share what she took away from the message.
The Miracle of the empty tomb.
Christ is the Christ of Calvary.
He died for you and me because He loved us.
He died to prove our sins were forgiven.
Jesus says that whoever trust in Him shall be saved.
Christ is the Christ of Victory.
He is my Lord.
I am tired of sinning.
The Lord loves you with all his heart that's why he died on the cross and rose again.
The Lord also sent an earthquake so everybody would know He was risen.
There was an angel to tell Mary Magdalene & Mary to go tell the disciples that He is risen.
I am so glad that she likes to take notes during the messages instead of writing them to her friends. Leah asked Jesus to be her Savior when she was 6 years old. She is such a sweet and considerate girl. She loves Jesus and has so much compassion for others. I love her dearly.